The Hidden Reality Behind Weight Loss Supplements
As reported, approximately 2.6 billion people worldwide have been considered overweight in recent years. This alarming number rings bells and makes the majority look for a quick fix to get in shape through weight loss supplements. People must understand that no magic pill exists to shed those extra pounds.
Scroll down to bust out some myths about these supplements while shedding light upon some facts and other weight loss options.
Do They Really Work?
These supplements do not make the fat cells disappear in a jiff. Certain ingredients (guar, gum) will suppress your appetite while speeding up the metabolism. These fat burners also claim to block carbohydrate/ fat absorption with the help of the magic ingredient, i.e., chondroitin. But, without significant lifestyle changes, your weight loss goals will seem like a far-fetched dream.
Unregulated Active Ingredients
Since these supplements are not regulated like prescription medication, they can damage your health and wallet. Phenolphthalein, furosemide, and fluoxetine are some of the common prescription drugs being used as active ingredients in these supplements; the usage of these drugs is reported to cause health problems ranging from fluid loss and muscle weakness to low electrolytes in the blood.
Addiction Risk
Weight loss supplements might contain Amphetamines, whose persistent use can lead to an addiction. The stimulants curb the appetite but also affect the central nervous system to increase energy. Many people become tolerant of the energy they receive from such fat burners and are more inclined towards increasing the dosage. Such behavior ultimately leads to addiction.
A Gateway to Eating Disorders
As per research, the use of weight loss supplements might lead to eating disorders. These disrupt the normal digestive function of the body by putting a bar on appetite and can have a negative impact on health in the long run.
Not a “One Size Fits All” Approach
As per research, the negligence of weight loss supplements to meet individual needs has worsened chronic ailments. Everyone has different needs, from” nutrient requirements “to medical history and lifestyle factors. These weight loss supplements react differently to each individual. For example, due to the increased heart rate by the use of these supplements, people with high blood pressure may encounter health problems.
Finding the Way Out
If you are on the last leg and very frustrated with losing weight, instead of thinking of weight loss supplements, try exploring the following options that are scientifically backed
- Intermittent Fasting
- Saying Goodbye to Sugar
- Cutting Back on Refined Carbohydrates
- Balancing Gut Bacteria
- Consuming Fiber-Rich Food
Piling up weight loss products is a mere stumbling block in your weight loss journey. In contrast, an integrative system of clinical assessments will help you eliminate the illusion of these supplements by incorporating scientifically backed weight management strategies.